Kyle and I have lived in our grown-up house for over a year now, but there are hints of 'college living' scattered throughout the place. One major eye-sore was our closet. Look at that crate full of shoes and empty shoe box! UGH! When buying this house, the closet was a major plus. It was HUGE and had all of the shelving I could dream of. However, during the frenzy of moving in, I just kind of put stuff in the closet without much thought. Well, throughout the year it became increasingly clear what a pain it was to store purses and backpacks on the top shelf, which was way of of reach not to mention a backpack would fall on me if a hanger happened to catch on it. Then there was the case of jewelry. It was stored in containers and I NEVER used it. What's the point of having jewelry if I never wore it? I could either get rid of my jewels or find some way to access it on a daily basis. Thus mission organization began...

K and I headed to Target and searched around their Organization and Storage department. We picked up
this, a ClosetMaid cube organizer and a drawer to go in it. While Kyle was putting it together I cleared the white wall- goodbye extra-large white crate! Once the cubicle was put together, the fun began. First thing's first- PURSES! The four cubes on the bottom right and middle contain purses. Despite what it looks like, the purses are in there with room to spare (as opposed to stuffed in and practically falling out aka my last apartment!). The left three cubbies contain (in descending order): Kyle's hats, my belts, and a poncho. The top middle cubbie holds my pashmena (sp?) collection. The top right drawer contains mostly cheap jewelry from high school with too many memories for me to get rid of, but also my hair stuff- ponytail holders, headbands, etc. I'm most excited about the top- check out the earring carousel! Looks so much better in the closet than in the bathroom! Also, take note of the necklaces hanging in the left-hand corner. GENIUS!!! I'm happy to say that I've been having fun with my jewelry and actually wearing belts since reorganizing the closet. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!

Question of the Day: What's an organization project you're proud of?
You know I love organization! It's more fun than a barrel of monkeys :) Plus, that feeling of "yay, I rock" comes with it!