Monday, July 18, 2011

Week 26: Why are Baby Clothes so Freakin' Cute!?

 I bought the first piece of clothing for this child when I was 14.  I was browsing the clearance rack of Baby Gap when I came across the above little number.  I was going through a goat phase at the time (okay, I still am), so I just had to buy the jacket and onesie.  Some Most people think it's weird that I bought clothes for my future children when I was still in high school.  Somehow, I find it normal.  I just won't be able to use the  collection below for a while.
This weekend, my obsession with baby clothes was rekindled at none other than a rummage sale.  Kyle, Caitlin, and I stopped by the sale on our way to the Farmer's Market on Saturday morning.  The table piled high with baby clothes was like a magnet.  I headed straight towards it and began digging.  Whenever I found something cute, I handed it to Kyle for quality control.  He's quickly becoming an expert stain-checker!  Although he could have a better attitude about it.  I repeatedly asked him, "Did I force you into having this baby?"  To which he replied, "No, but you forced me to go to this garage sale."  Oh, true.  Anyhow, as we were scouring the table for clothing I heard one of the ladies in charge of the sale say, "Our baby clothes are 5 for a $1."  WHAT?!  AH-MAZING!  We ended up buying three dollars worth of adorable clothing ranging in size from 3 to 18 months.  Who knows how fast the babe will grow or if he'll be able to wear half the clothes, but it was so fun buying them!  But my favorite part of the baby clothes?  Washing them and putting them away.  Love, love, love doing this.
So far the baby clothes have been contained to a dresser in the nursery.   This dresser has a ton of drawers- there are four small drawers- one for bibs, one for socks, another for hats, and still another for small blankets.  The four large drawers are storage for a lot of baby randomness right now, but the ones full of clothes are organized by size.  Why are baby clothes so much more fun to put away than my clothes? 

As you can tell from the above picture, the nursery is a work in progress right now, but I have an interior decorator coming this week to help me out with it. 
Okay, so my BFF Jessica's not a professional interior decorator, but she was an interior design major for one semester of college which is good enough for me!  I'm hoping she'll either affirm the ideas I already have for the space or give me some new ideas.  She also likes to paint, so I was thinking about hiding her car keys until the room is completely redone.   Even I'm surprised at how immature brilliant that idea sounds! : )

Here's a little bit about the baby this week.  He's really growing!
"Your baby might be developing an adorable habit this week: thumb-sucking. While the baby's hands remain clenched most of the day, he/she might unclench and stick out his/her thumb every now and then. If the baby likes the comfort from sucking, it might just be a well-established habit way before a pacifier is ever seen"  source
"He may now be able to hear both your voice and your partner's as you chat with each other. He's inhaling and exhaling small amounts of amniotic fluid, which is essential for the development of his lungs. These so-called breathing movements are also good practice for when he's born and takes that first gulp of air. And he's continuing to put on baby fat. He now weighs about a pound and two-thirds and measures 14 inches (an English hothouse cucumber) from head to heel. If you're having a boy, his testicles are beginning to descend into his scrotum — a trip that will take about two to three days." source
For an update on how I'm feeling, the only word that comes to mind is: okay.  I had a bout of nausea this weekend- the morning after a massive decadent meal followed by Sparky's ice cream with Kyle's family.  After suffering for about an hour, I took a Zantac 75 and instantly felt better.  It was the acid reflux/heartburn acting up that made me feel yuck.  I'm trying to take the minimal approach with medicines even though the doctor says I can take up to two Zantac 150s a day.  So for now, I am taking the Zantac as needed, trying to eat smaller meals, and stopping my eating for the day well before bedtime.  Additionally, I need to cut back on fatty  as well as acidic foods.  I wonder if the heartburn explains why I've had an aversion to processed tomato products, most recently tomato sauce and tomato soup.  They've both just tasted gross, but fresh tomatoes have still been FABULOUS.  I'm still obsessed with the tomato, cucumber, and red onion salad.

My mood swings were ridiculous last week. I asked Kyle repeatedly if there were an 'undo button.'  He kept answering no.  Really, I was just feeling overwhelmed and totally freaked out.  This week I'm in 'learn everything I possibly can about taking care of a baby' mode.  I've signed up for a childbirth class and a breastfeeding class.  I've also started reading The Happiest Baby on the Block.  The book is fascinating, and I'm learning a ton!  My goal is to have the book finished by the end of the week.  Then it's Kyle's turn!  I want us to read the same baby books so that we're on the same page with the child-rearing!


  1. how hilarious is that!!! I love baby clothes too :) And I can't believe you're at week 26 already!! Getting there!

  2. Love that book! Lucy still sleeps with her white noise :)
    Can't wait to see the babe dressed in all his cute clothes! He will be super cute in just his diapers too I bet.
