James and I entered our house to a chorus of barking. We went over to the kennels, and while I let the doxies outside, James stood holding onto a kennel. As I closed the back door, I turned around to look back at him. He was standing half way between the kennel and the kitchen table meaning one thing and one thing only- HE HAD WALKED! "Oh my goodness, James Eugene, you can walk!" I exclaimed scooping him off the floor. I immediately dialed Grandma B and told her the good news. James meanwhile got up from his comfy reading chair and walked into the kitchen! Holy cow! He was really walking! All the steps before were coerced by mom and dad, but these steps were all James.
When Kyle got home, I gushed to him about the walking. As first time parents, Kyle and I proceeded to spend the next hour video taping James walking, here, there, and everywhere. Our house has never felt so small. We're thinking about putting a track in the backyard.